Special Offers

Self-catering Special Offers in Ireland

Welcome to the Dream Ireland special offers page giving details of all our current offers, deals and promotions. Book online at www.dreamireland.com or call us on 064 66 41170 Are you looking for low cost accommodation in Ireland without compromising on quality? Dream Ireland's affordable self-catering Irish holiday cottages might be just what you are looking for! Our specials page is updated daily so if you are travelling in Ireland on a budget it is worth checking out Dream Irelands special offers page.

Dream Ireland Holiday Homes offers budget homes all along the Wild Atlantic Way and throughout Ireland and with our range of great offers you really can enjoy a family holiday in Ireland without breaking the bank.

Our affordable self-catering Irish holiday homes provide flexible accommodation for those not looking to holiday on a budget.

Deal of the Day

This is our Deal of the Day. It will be available for a limited time only so book now to avoid disappointment. Come back regularly to see our most up to date Deal of the Day.

Please note that the Deal of the Day is subject to availability so once it's gone, it's gone!

1 Special Offers found

Co. Kerry / Kenmare /

Fado Cottage is a beautiful 2-bedroomed country cottage located steps from Kenmare town

Family Friendly | Private Cottage | Activity and Adventure | Wi-Fi | Open Fireplace | Romantic Properties

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